Forest Story

Forest Story

Discovery the world of the secret characters in Fantasy Forest. People like the Animals and New Jersey!

- Playing is very simple. Get as many points as possible by gathering the matching symbols in a row. Lines can be both vertical and horizontal, or S-turns with right angles may be used.
- Bonuses: get additional points by making the rows of symbols as long as possible.
- Compete with your friends: who will gain more points than others?
- Beautiful graphic arts, fairy enchanting visual effects.
- Amusing and amiable characters.
- Suitable for smartphones and tablets.
- ForestStory will be of interest both for children and adults. It is simply unputdownable!
- It’s a stellar choice for those who want just to repose and relax, as well as for those who is fond of reflections!
Set off on a fascinating and challenging journey to a magic forest and go to bat for Fluffy and his friends!

Explore the world of mysterious creatures in Fantasy Forest. Propagate the new species and hatch lovely pets such as the legendary Horse Horn!

Join now.Much fun!
